Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Enchanted Cross Stitch

 I seldom, if ever, post about new books (except my own) but I wanted to mention this one.

The book is The Enchanted Cross Stitch by Christine Holly. My wife is a cross-stitcher, and she likes women's stories, so I thought she would like it. She did. My wife liked it so much that she told me I should read it.

I read the book and I liked it. It was about a women's group of cross-stitchers, but there were a few surprises in it that I never suspected. Here is the blurb from the back of the book. 

Carol Crane loves to cross-stitch. She even belongs to a cross-stitch group in the small town of Bedford, New Hampshire. The group consists of Carol and four other women who get together once a month to talk, bond, and cross-stitch. More than anything, Carol wants to win a first-place ribbon at the next craft fair for the best cross-stitch.

Fate leads Carol to an out-of-the-way craft store in the country where she is given a cross-stitch kit guaranteed to get her a blue ribbon. It soon becomes evident to Carol that as she works on her cross-stitch, she opens a portal to another world that reflects the Gilded Age. With her world falling apart (a recent divorce, having to sell her home, and secretly causing an accident that puts a friend in the hospital) living a life in another world is starting to look pretty good to Carol. But could this enchanted cross-stitch be more than she bargained for?   

Christine Holly is a new independent writer and this is her first book. I wish her luck. 

The Enchanted Cross Stitch by Christine Holly can be found on Amazon!

Stephen Gaspar's books can be found on Amazon.